Baby Registry Checklist & Must-Haves

Are you putting your baby registry checklist together?
When anticipating the arrival of your baby, you want to be sure you’re prepared. The last thing you want is to be scrambling for the right gear or supplies while caring for your baby.
That’s where our baby registry essentials come in. As experienced experts in all things newborn, we’re here to help with a list of the top baby registry items you’ll need.
Before we dive into the list, we know it can be hard to choose which exact item to add to your registry list. First, which items do you really need? If you’re a first time parent, the amount of baby gear and related items can feel overwhelming. Then, there are thousands of brands and models to choose from. We’ll help you cut through the noise to find exactly what you’ll need.
What Are Must Have Baby Registry Items?
There are some baby registry items, like car seats, that you simply can’t do without. In our list below, we’ve only included the essentials. So, what about the rest?
A lot of things to put on baby registry fall into the “nice to have” or “personal preference” category. Some of the items you might think twice about adding are:
- Wipe Warmers: Most babies manage diaper changes without warm wipes. Also, the warmth quickly disappears from the wipe when you remove it. However, if your babe screams from the moment a wipe touches her skin, you can always purchase one later.
- Bottle warming devices: A saucepan with hot water will do the trick and won’t require another outlet.
- Baby food makers: These are basically glorified blenders or food processors. You can achieve the same outcome without buying a special device.
- Shoes for infants: Babies are Houdinis when it comes to shoes. Their shoes fall off so easily that you’ll probably just lose them. Wait until your baby is older to put shoes on them.
- Multiple seating options: A rocker, a Bumbo, a high chair, a swing, a carrier...there are so many seating options for infants! Try to pick just one or two so your house isn’t inundated with so much baby gear there’s nowhere to put it.
- Too many newborn items: Some babies are born big and can’t even wear newborn clothes! Even babies who are born average sized can only wear newborn clothes for a few weeks. So, err on buying a few newborn sized items. You can always get more if you need it!
Top Baby Registry Items
Take a look at our baby registry list below to make sure your registry is complete with these 20 must-have items:
Baby Registry Essentials: Gear
- Carseat: From that first car ride home up until your child is big enough for a booster seat, you’ll need a quality carseat. Choose a carseat adequate for newborns. Many even come in travel systems which include the stroller, carrier, and carseat all in one.
- Stroller: Choose a stroller that meets your needs, whether that means going for a jog or walking at a more leisurely pace.
- Baby carrier or wrap: Newborns and babies can make it hard to get anything done. So, be sure to include a baby carrier or wrap on your baby registry checklist. With baby strapped to your back or chest, you can get chores done around the house or go for a walk.
- Diaper bag: When going out around town, you’ll need a handy diaper bag for essential items such as diapers, extra clothes, bottles, and more. Today’s diaper bags come in many sizes and styles, making it easy to find one that’s just right for you to add to your baby registry list.
Baby Registry Essentials: Everyday Care
- Diapers: Boy do babies go through diapers! Get some help by adding this much-used item to your baby registry list. You may consider asking for multiple brands so that you can find out which one works best for you and your baby.
- Baby Clothes: Babies can go through a lot of clothes in a day! Especially if your baby spits up, it’s essential to have lots of onesies, sweaters, and pants for changes.
- Bath Gear: While you may not want a full baby tub, some sort of baby holder or bath sponge can be very useful when handling a slippery babe in the tub or sink.
Baby Registry Essentials: Feeding
- High Chair: Babies quickly become interested in meals. Help your babe join in with a high chair or seat that helps them sit independently at the table.
- Bottles: If you’ll be using bottles to feed your baby, you’ll want a good stock so that one is always available.
- Burp cloths: Spit up is normal for many babies. To clean up the mess, make sure to add lots of burp cloths to your baby registry list.
- Nursing pillow: If you’ll be breastfeeding, it can be invaluable to have some support. Holding baby can be tiring! So, add a nursing pillow to your baby registry list for a more comfortable nursing experience.
Baby Registry Essentials: Nursery
- Crib Bedding: Dress up the crib with a gorgeous set of crib bedding in your favorite theme.
- Nursery Lamp: This must have baby registry item will help with night feedings and the bedtime routine.
- Baby Monitor: Enjoy peace of mind with a baby monitor that will alert you as soon as baby wakes up, even if the nursery is upstairs and you’re in the kitchen. Learn how to pick a quality monitor here.
- Storage Baskets: Eliminate clutter with stylish storage baskets for toys, creams, changing table items, clothes, and more!
- Changing table: Save your back from bending over the bed by adding a changing table to your registry list.
- Changing pad and covers: For those blowout diapers, you’ll need plenty of changing pad covers.
- Diaper pail: Keep stinky smells out of the nursery with a quality diaper pail.
- Mobile: Lull baby to sleep and stimulate their development with a gorgeous crib mobile.
- Glider or Rocker: Rock baby to sleep or give a night feeding in a comfortable glider or rocking chair.
With these essential baby registry items, you’ll be well-prepared to receive your bundle of joy.